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Help center > Hosts > Managing your listing

Marketing and Search Optimization

We understand that as a host on Pridebnb, you want your listing to shine among the many other listings available on the platform. In this discussion, we'll share valuable tips and strategies to make your listing irresistible and appeal to a wider audience, ultimately increasing your chances of attracting more guests and bookings.

Make Your Listing Stand Out and Attract More Guests

Make your listing irresistible

  • Captivating Description: Your title and description are the first things guests see, so make them engaging and informative. Highlight the unique features and amenities of your space, as well as any nearby attractions or points of interest. Use descriptive language to create a compelling narrative that entices guests to choose your listing.

  • High-Quality Photos: Invest in professional-quality photos that showcase your space from different angles. Bright, well-lit, and clutter-free images can create a lasting impression on potential guests. Don't forget to include photos of any unique amenities or character-defining elements to set your listing apart.

  • Accurate and Up-to-Date Information: Ensure that all the details in your listing are accurate and up-to-date. Double-check the amenities, house rules, and availability to set clear expectations for guests. Keep the listing fresh by adding any recent improvements or enhancements to attract repeat visitors.

Use reviews to improve

  • Guest Experience: Prioritize your guests' comfort and satisfaction during their stay. Address their needs promptly and make sure they have a pleasant experience. Positive reviews and high star ratings act as social proof and encourage more guests to book your space.

Feedback Loop

  • Regularly review guest feedback and take note of any recurring themes or suggestions. Use this valuable input to make necessary improvements to your listing and enhance the overall guest experience. Consider implementing suggestions that align with your hosting style and space.

Make booking easier

  • Quick Responses: Guests appreciate hosts who are responsive and attentive. Aim to respond to inquiries and booking requests promptly, showing potential guests that you are reliable and eager to host them.

  • Instant Book: When available on your profile, enable Instant Book if you feel comfortable with it. This feature allows guests to book your space without prior approval, streamlining the booking process and attracting guests who prefer instant confirmation.

Be competitive with prices

  • Dynamic Pricing: Utilize dynamic pricing to adjust your rates based on demand, seasonality, and local events. Offering competitive prices during low-demand periods can attract budget-conscious travelers and boost your occupancy.

  • Custom Pricing: Implement custom pricing options to accommodate different lengths of stay, group sizes, or special occasions. Offering discounts for longer bookings or during certain periods can be a great incentive for guests.

Get tips for the off-season

  • Seasonal Offers: Use seasonal pricing to your advantage during slower months. Offer special deals, discounts, or package deals to attract travelers during off-peak periods.

  • Collaborate with Local Hosts: Network with other hosts in your area to share insights and strategies on how to stay competitive during slow months. Collaborate on joint marketing efforts or refer guests to each other when appropriate.

Promote your Listing

Creating a custom link for your listing

  • Personalized web address: Hosts can create a custom link to direct people to their listing at Please contact the Pridebnb support team and provide the original url to the listing(s) you'd like to shorten as well as the link slug you wish to use. Alternatively, we recommend using, or

  • Follow guidelines: Ensure the link adheres to Pridebnb's custom link policy and doesn't include prohibited content (see policy policy link below).

Custom Link Policy:

  • Each custom link is valid only while the listing or account is active, and it may be forfeited if the listing or account is deactivated or removed from Pridebnb for any reason.
  • You don't own the custom link, and Pridebnb reserves the right to end your use of it if you violate this policy or any of Pridebnb's terms.
  • Custom links cannot include any variation of the word "Pridebnb" or any other content that violates our brand guidelines, the word "verified," or the word "official," unless sanctioned by the person, place, or organization with whom the connection is asserted.
  • Symbols or punctuation, except for hyphens, are not allowed in custom links.
  • Custom links must contain at least three characters and cannot consist only of generic property types (e.g., Apartment, Cabin, TreeHouse, Loft, Home), generic geographic locations (e.g., SanFrancisco), or numbers (all URLs must contain at least one letter).

Here are some examples of acceptable custom URLs:

  • /desert-vacation-homes
  • /ocean-getaways
  • /gabe-homes
  • /private-room-in-san-diego-city-center

Please ensure your custom link adheres to these guidelines to avoid any issues with your listing.

Embed your listing on your website

Expand Your Reach: By embedding a preview of your listing on your personal website or blog, you can attract potential guests who may not be actively searching on Pridebnb. It provides an additional platform to showcase your listing and reach a broader audience.

Share your listing on social media

Social Media Marketing: Utilize your social media channels to share your listing with friends, followers, and travel enthusiasts. Engage with your audience, respond to inquiries, and create visually appealing posts that highlight your unique space. If you have six or more listings, create a personalized Facebook page to promote them.

User-Generated Content: Encourage guests to share their experiences on social media and tag your listing. User-generated content can be a powerful marketing tool, as it showcases real experiences and testimonials.