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Host Privacy Standards: Handling Guest Personal Information

As a host on Pridebnb, you'll have access to and use guests' personal information to manage reservations and provide your hosting services. It's vital to ensure that you handle this information in compliance with relevant privacy laws. This guide outlines your obligations and responsibilities concerning guest data and cross-border transfers, ensuring you protect both your guests' privacy and comply with applicable laws. Please read on to familiarize yourself with these important privacy standards. Below are some guidelines for handling guest personal information.

In this article

Limited Use

Only use the personal information you receive through the Pridebnb platform for necessary reservation management, legal compliance, and providing your hosting services.

Third-Party Interactions

You should not encourage or require guests to open accounts, leave reviews, or engage with third-party websites, applications, or services before, during, or after a reservation, unless such third-party interaction is approved by Pridebnb or reasonably necessary for you to provide the requested service.

Cross-Border Transfers

If you receive personal information from the European Economic Area, Switzerland, or the UK and the transfer does not have an adequacy decision under GDPR, you agree to process this information according to the standard contractual clauses provided by the European Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/914. These clauses are incorporated into your agreement with Pridebnb.

Contractual Clauses

Standard Contractual Clauses: Specific details for completing the standard contractual clauses are as follows:

  • The option under clause 7 (docking clause) does not apply.
  • The option under clause 11 (redress) does not apply.
  • The governing law for clause 17 (governing law) is the law of Ireland.
  • The courts for clause 18 (choice of forum and jurisdiction) are the courts in Ireland.

Appendix to the Clauses: For the Appendix to the Clauses:

  • You are the "data importer."
  • If you are hosting or booking a listing in Japan, the "data exporter" is Pridebnb Global Services Limited.
  • If you are hosting or booking a listing in Brazil, the "data exporter" is Pridebnb Plataforma Digital Ltda as of April 1, 2022.
  • If you are hosting somewhere other than Japan or Brazil, the "data exporter" is Pridebnb Ireland UC.
  • For data protection inquiries, you can contact our data protection officer through the "Contact Us" section on our website.

Data Transfer Details: In the Clauses:

  • Data subjects are guests.
  • The purpose of the transfer is to enable you to provide hosting services.
  • Categories of data may include guests' profiles, full names, additional guests' names, cancellation histories, phone numbers, any shared information, and messages.
  • Recipients of the data may include service providers you engage to assist with your hosting services.
  • No sensitive data is transferred.
  • The frequency of transfer depends on the frequency of reservations.
  • Data is retained for a duration you determine for reservation management, legal compliance, and service provision.

Supervisory Authority: For Annex I.C of the Clauses, "The Irish Data Protection Commission is the competent supervisory authority."

Security Measures: Implement appropriate security measures as required by Article 32 of GDPR. These measures should include pseudonymization, encryption, ensuring data confidentiality, integrity, availability, and resilience, establishing a process for incident recovery, and regularly evaluating the effectiveness of security measures.

By following these guidelines, you can handle guest personal information responsibly and in accordance with applicable privacy laws. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please reach out to our support team. Your commitment to privacy standards ensures a secure and trustworthy hosting environment for all Pridebnb users.