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Boosting Bookings with Special Offers and Discounts

In the competitive world of short-term rentals, enticing potential guests is a valuable skill for hosts. This article explores how hosts can leverage special offers and discounts on Pridebnb to attract guests and secure bookings. From pre-approved stays to personalized messages, discover strategies to make your listing stand out and optimize your occupancy rates.

In this article

Special Offers

When a potential guest sends an inquiry for specific dates, encourage the booking process by pre-approving their stay and sending them an invitation. Alternatively, you can sweeten the deal by providing a discount to entice them further.

This can be done via the Pridebnb messaging system by sending them the message below. Feel free to copy, paste, modify in any way that fits your needs.

Pre-approved message (invite only)

Dear [Guest's Name],

Great news! Your stay has been pre-approved! You're invited to book now using the link below:

[Link to your listing or booking page]

We're here to make your stay amazing. Reach out if you need anything.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Pre-approved message (invite with special offer)

Dear [Guest's Name],

Great news! Your stay is pre-approved, and we're excited to have you. As a special offer, you'll receive an exclusive $XX off (or XX% discount) on your booking.

Book now using the link below to secure your discounted stay:

[Link to your listing or booking page]

Hurry, this offer won't last long! Reach out if you have any questions.

Looking forward to hosting you!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

By implementing these strategies, you can increase the likelihood of attracting guests and securing bookings for your place.


As of now, Pridebnb does not have a direct discount feature. However, if you wish to provide a discount to your guests, below is how you can do that, along with a few considerations regarding payment and commission:

  1. Host-Initiated Discount: If you, as the Host, decide to offer a discount to guests, you have the flexibility to adjust the listing price accordingly. In this case, the commission will still be based on the original listing price, and you, as the Host, will receive the reduced amount after the discount is applied.

  2. Commission Adjustment: Currently, Pridebnb does not automatically reduce the commission based on any discounts offered. If you choose to offer discounts, the commission will be calculated based on the original listing price.

  3. Transparent Communication: While you can manually reduce your listing price to offer a discount, it might be more explicit to communicate the discount to potential guests through messaging or your listing description. This ensures clarity for guests and helps build trust.

  4. Future Updates: Please note that features and functionalities on Pridebnb are subject to change and improvement over time. The platform may introduce new features, including direct discount options, in the future.

We understand that offering special offers and discounts can be an essential part of providing a great guest experience. As a Host, you can choose to manage discounts in a way that best suits your hosting goals and preferences. For any further updates on the discount feature or commission adjustments, keep an eye on our official announcements and updates on the platform.

If you have any questions or need assistance during the account creation process, feel free to reach out to our support team. We're here to help you every step of the way.