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How Reservations Work

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on managing reservations and enhancing your hosting experience on Pridebnb. In this article, we'll cover essential topics, including checking guest profile photos, understanding response rate and response time, managing reservation statuses, and holding dates for specific guests, ensuring you have all the information you need to provide a seamless and enjoyable stay for your guests.

Checking a Guest's Profile Photo

Checking a guest's profile photo can provide hosts with valuable insights into their potential guests. A photo can give hosts a glimpse of the guest's personality and appearance, which can help build a sense of familiarity and trust. When a guest's photo is not available, there are a few reasons for this:

  1. The booking isn't confirmed: A guest's profile photo becomes visible to hosts only after the reservation is confirmed. Until then, it remains hidden to protect the guest's privacy.

  2. They don't have one: While Pridebnb strongly encourages guests to add a profile photo, it is not a mandatory requirement. Some guests may choose not to upload a photo for personal reasons. However, hosts have the option to request a photo from guests before accepting their reservation, if desired.

Feeling comfortable with a guest is essential for a successful hosting experience. When reviewing a guest's photo, hosts can look for a clear image of the guest's face, which can help create a sense of familiarity and establish a connection. On the other hand, if a guest's photo does not show their face or features something unhelpful, such as a cartoon or an unrelated image, hosts can contact Pridebnb's support team to discuss the issue.

Understanding Response Rate and Response Time

Response rate and response time are crucial metrics for hosts that can significantly impact their hosting performance. The response rate measures the percentage of new inquiries and reservation requests that hosts respond to within 24 hours in the past 30 days. Maintaining a high response rate is essential for earning and retaining the Superfab status, which can enhance a host's search placement and visibility to potential guests.

To improve their response rate and response time, hosts should promptly address inquiries and reservation requests by either accepting, pre-approving, or declining them within the 24-hour window. Responding to guest inquiries in a timely manner demonstrates attentiveness and professionalism, which guests value highly when considering their accommodation options.

The response rate used to determine Superfab status is calculated based on a host's responses over the past 365 days. Thus, consistently providing quick and helpful responses to guest inquiries and requests is essential for maintaining a positive hosting reputation.

Apart from the response rate, hosts should also pay attention to their response time, which indicates the average amount of time taken to respond to all new messages in the past 30 days. While response time is important, it has a lesser impact on host status compared to the response rate.

Improving Response Rate and Response Time

To improve both response rate and response time, hosts can take the following actions within 24 hours of receiving inquiries or reservation requests:

  1. Accept or decline reservation requests promptly.

  2. Pre-approve or decline trip requests when applicable.

  3. Respond to new inquiries from guests with helpful and informative messages.

  4. Address any follow-up messages between hosts and guests as needed, as they do not affect the response rate.

Hosts with fewer than 10 new message threads in the past 30 days will have their response rate and response time based on the ten most recent message threads from the past 90 days. This adjustment allows hosts with lower guest interactions to have accurate metrics reflecting their communication responsiveness.

Pridebnb encourages hosts to respond to guest inquiries and reservation requests within 24 hours because quick responses build trust and reliability within the hosting community. Guests value hosts who are attentive and responsive, as it facilitates a smoother and more enjoyable booking experience.

Prompt responses are especially important for hosts who have received booking inquiries or reservation requests, as it allows them to move towards confirming reservations swiftly. Guests, whether they are planning a future trip or have already checked in, appreciate hosts who provide timely replies to their queries and requests.

A response is considered when a host takes action on specific types of guest communication:

  1. For reservation requests, accepting or declining the request counts as a response.

  2. For booking inquiries, hosts can respond by pre-approving the booking if the dates are available, sending a special offer with alternative pricing or dates, sending a message to address the guest's questions, or declining the inquiry if they cannot accommodate the request.

  3. Any other messages from guests, whether they are current or potential guests, can be responded to with a message to maintain a good response rate.

If a host fails to respond within 24 hours, it will count as a late response, which may adversely affect their response rate and increase their response time. Hosting metrics, such as the response rate, can impact a listing's position in search results, so timely and efficient communication with guests is crucial.

Pridebnb allows guests 24 hours to update their payment information for an awaiting payment reservation request. During this time, the reservation remains pending until the payment details are confirmed successfully. If the guest fails to update their payment method within the given timeframe, the request to book will be canceled without any penalties to either the host or the guest.

Hosts should ensure that their listing description and amenities accurately represent the property at the time of booking. Any updates or changes made after a reservation is confirmed will not be visible to the guest who made the booking. To avoid any inconvenience, hosts should promptly inform guests if any amenities have been removed or if there are any changes to the listing description that may affect their stay. If a guest wishes to cancel the reservation due to changes in amenities or other significant factors, the host should assist in canceling the reservation to allow the guest to rebook elsewhere without penalty.

Checking the Status of a Reservation

Checking the status of a reservation is vital for hosts to stay organized and provide their guests with accurate information. Hosts can easily check the status of reservations through various methods:

  1. On the Pridebnb website, the reservation status is displayed in the "Inbox" under "As a host." The status will be indicated on the right side of the message. Different statuses include "Accepted" for confirmed reservations, "Declined" for declined reservations, "Completed" for finished reservations, and "Cancelled" for canceled reservations.

  2. For messages marked as "Inquired," it means the guest has reached out with questions about the listing, and the reservation is yet to be confirmed. If there is no response to the inquiry within six days, it will be marked as "Expired."

  3. The timeline and activity logs within the message thread related to a specific reservation will also provide confirmation that an operation, such as accepting or declining a reservation change, was successful.

By checking the reservation status, hosts can ensure they are well-prepared for their upcoming guests' stays. Hosts can provide important information such as check-in and check-out times, specific check-in instructions, house rules (if not already included in the listing description), the exact address (if using a fuzzy address in the public profile), and any other details guests need to know before their trip.

Furthermore, it is advisable for hosts to send a reminder email to guests two days before their check-in date to ensure that both parties are on the same page and have all the necessary information for a smooth arrival.

For cases where the reservation status indicates "Trip change requested," it means that the reservation is confirmed, but either the host or the guest is waiting for changes to be accepted or declined. In such situations, hosts can send a message to the guest as a friendly reminder to accept or decline the proposed changes, or they can also decide whether to accept or decline the guest's requested changes.

If a reservation is awaiting payment or guest ID, it means Pridebnb is gathering additional information from the guest to confirm the reservation fully. For instance, the guest might need to update their payment method details, or certain information might be missing or outdated. In such cases, Pridebnb takes the initiative to confirm these details and may reach out to the guest for any additional information required. Hosts will receive an email notification once the reservation is fully confirmed.

While a reservation is awaiting payment or guest ID, the booked dates will be blocked on the host's calendar for up to 24 hours to prevent any double booking issues. This precaution ensures that a host doesn't receive multiple payments for multiple requests for the same dates.

If a pre-approval, special offer, or trip request has expired, hosts can still accommodate guests for those dates. To do so, hosts can follow these tips to assist guests in booking their place:

  1. Check the availability of the requested dates and ensure the listing is still open for those dates.

  2. Reach out to the guest proactively and express your willingness to host them for the desired dates.

  3. Provide them with any necessary information or instructions to complete the booking.

By being proactive and helpful, hosts can still secure a reservation even if the initial pre-approval, special offer, or trip request has expired.

Managing reservations can be hectic, especially when there are multiple bookings to handle. To keep track of upcoming reservations efficiently, hosts can utilize the Today tab, which provides a quick overview of the upcoming reservations. If there are several reservations to manage, hosts can click or tap on "Show all" to view a comprehensive list of all reservations and find the total number of upcoming bookings. To access specific details for a particular reservation, hosts can click or tap on that reservation to review its specifics.

Holding Dates for a Guest

Sometimes, hosts may want to hold specific dates on their calendar for a particular guest. This feature can be helpful for hosts who wish to make dates available exclusively for a certain guest before accepting other reservations. There are two primary ways to hold dates for a guest:

  1. Guest requests to book: When a guest sends a booking request, the dates are automatically held once the host accepts the request. These dates remain blocked until the host either confirms or declines the reservation. While awaiting confirmation, the guest's dates will continue to be held until payment is processed or verification is completed.

  2. Guest sends an inquiry: For inquiries, hosts can pre-approve the guest's request, which allows the guest 24 hours to accept or decline the pre-approval. Once a reservation is confirmed, the dates are considered booked, and the only way to unblock them is by canceling the reservation, which may result in penalties.

Awaiting Payment and Confirmation

Awaiting payment means that a guest's reservation request has been accepted by the host, but the guest's payment has not been successfully processed yet. In most cases, this occurs when the guest needs to update or modify their payment information for various reasons.

During this time, the guest has 24 hours to update their payment details to complete the booking successfully. If the guest fails to update their payment information within the given timeframe, the booking request will be canceled without any penalties to the host or the guest.

Hosts no longer have the option to decline awaiting payment requests. Additionally, while the guest is updating their payment information, the dates requested by the guest will remain blocked on the host's calendar for up to 24 hours. This temporary blockage helps prevent potential issues like hosts receiving multiple payments for requests from multiple guests for the same dates.

If a pre-approval, special offer, or trip request has expired, hosts can still secure a reservation for those dates by taking proactive measures. Here are some tips to assist guests in booking a place even after an initial request has expired:

  1. Check availability: Ensure that the dates requested by the guest are still available for booking.

  2. Reach out to the guest: Proactively communicate with the guest and express your willingness to accommodate them for their desired dates.

  3. Provide necessary information: Offer any essential information or instructions that the guest might need to complete the booking successfully.

By taking these proactive steps, hosts can still secure a reservation even after an initial request has expired.

Updating Listing Description and Amenities After Booking

Once a guest has made a reservation, the host may wish to update their listing description or amenities. However, it's important to note that guests with pending or confirmed reservations will not see any updates or changes made to the listing after the reservation is made.

Guests search for and book listings based on their specific travel needs at the time of booking. As a host, it is essential to ensure that the listing accurately represents the property during the booking process. If any amenities are removed or significant changes are made to the listing that may affect the guest's stay, hosts should promptly inform the guest of these changes.

If the guest is no longer comfortable with the reservation due to changes in amenities or listing description, the host should assist in canceling the reservation. This allows the guest to rebook elsewhere without facing any penalties.

Being transparent and communicative with guests throughout the booking process helps create a positive experience and fosters trust between hosts and guests. It ensures that guests have a clear understanding of what to expect during their stay, leading to a more enjoyable and seamless hosting experience for both parties.